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Days Rolling Into One
It’s nearly two weeks of official stay at home in the UK. (three for me). I find the days are starting to roll into one and with no real structure, despite making numerous lists & plans of things to do or ‘should do’. I think many of us are still finding it hard to adjust, especially those who are on their own. Conversations by phone or text are similar and many of us reaching for either chocolate or alcohol. Neither to be recommended!
Fortunately, the weather is bright with some sunny days to lift our spirits. Although I hope not too tempting to encourage people to venture out more. The country seems to be going into the peak of illness and this will only prolong this period.
Reflections Of The Week In Lockdown
Some days I am feeling more positive than others. I am managing to do some yoga and I joined in with some meditation. My counselling skills homework gets done and a little online stuff but otherwise, I have to stop myself from beating myself up about not achieving more!
I did come across an interesting article called ‘Why You Should Ignore All That Coronavirus-Inspired Productivity Pressure’. Apparently this being quite common. Many of us feel we need to be doing, achieving, or performing but end up chastising ourselves for doing the opposite. Just accept that is OK – we will eventually find our feet.
All Equal or More ‘Fuel’ For Contention?
Businesses, employers, employees, self-employed, unemployed, families, pensioners, students, whichever category you may fall into, everyone has an opinion. In a time of the unknown many people have come together in the commonality of lockdown. However, I can’t help feeling there is unrest with the proposals of financial support from the government and organizations. This may prove to divide the nation further apart as we move forward into new economic uncertainties. The way supermarkets were cleared of their shelves in the panic buying, so it seems survival mode, wrongly or rightly, rears its head for many. Those that have will still have and those that don’t will struggle more.
When some people are desperate to keep food on the table, and NHS staff overworked, others are ordering their garden furniture, new home appliances, and various other unessential items online to quell their boredom. Short-staffed postmen & delivery drivers are finding it difficult to keep up with the flood of daily demand. As a society, this is the norm, has been the norm and I fear will continue to be even after this wake-up call!

Moving Forward
At this stage all we can ask for is we continue to do the best we can on our own life journeys. If we want to watch tv all day, read a book or write a novel – that’s ok. If we want to learn to draw, create an online course or simply envelope ourselves in a good book – that’s ok. For me keeping an emotional balance is of the utmost importance. I have spent the last couple of years getting myself back on track, like many others at some stage in their lives may also have had to do. To knock oneself off balance again is a fine line and may be as dangerous as the COVID-19 virus itself.
Accepting our limitations, holding on to our aspirations and just being in the now maybe all we need to pass our days.
I may succumb to the chocolate bars occasionally – after all, I am having to go without sex, personal interaction and date nights!