February 19, 2019 suzanne2019 Leave a comment
Blogging & The Online World
As with lots of hobbies, start-ups, and small business, it is trial and error that gets us from Point A to Point B. There are always website/page frustrations and challenges along the way – much like life in general!
I thought I’d start my blog as an outlet to release my thoughts and experiences to maybe help other women facing midlife. I looked at several platforms and Word Press seemed to be the recommended format.
I’m no techie but have managed to work with Word Press to create several web pages over the years from Cake Sites to Holistic Nails/Beauty. I have done a few online courses and gleaned info from YouTube, FaceBook Groups and ‘Googling’.
Host & Domain
Since starting this blog last November I think this site has ‘crashed’ three times. My content has vanished into thin air and I am left mystified as to the problem. As I haven’t actually monetized this platform – yet – I am loathed to spend out on too much extra security backups. However, I have had to pay my ‘hosters’ Go Daddy to ‘fix’ the site. They too are baffled sometimes and the only explanation I get is it could be a plug-in affecting the site!
I thought I’d throw it out there to one of my Face book groups. Were they too getting problems with their sites? It was interesting the feedback I had about certain hosters not performing ‘as well’ as others. The extra charges creeping in to ‘fix’ crashed sites.
Some Recommended Hosters
Here are a few of the recommendations I was given. If you are thinking of starting your own blog or page check these out.
- Hostgator
- Site Ground – seemed to have the most Thumbs Up!
- Bluehost
- InMotion
- Squarespace
Worst Hoster – yep you guessed it
- Go Daddy
Others had been experiencing exactly the same problems as me, with sites crashing, unexplained hacks and issues. And being charged to ‘fix’ it.
Time Will Tell
So, for now, I will keep with Go Daddy, having paid for it til November this year. I will definitely be reviewing it later in the year though or if it gets too frustrating to carry on!
My site might disappear overnight again but I’m keeping everything crossed in the meantime!

Blog Update 27/10/19
I’ve just changed my Host Provider to Site Ground…..I tried Host Gator first but had trouble with their free SSL Certificate which messed up the whole site so I had to have a refund on that. Let’s see how I get on with this one!