- December 3, 2018, suzanne2019 1 Comment
The Power Behind The Crystal
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I love the colour and shape of crystals. In France at the Abbey De Bon-Repos in Brittany, there is a vast collection for sale. I thought at the time of my last visit, it would be great to know more about them.
On my return to England, I came across a workshop about crystal healing. The course was over one day for the Level 1 Certificate. We discussed the healing properties of the crystals, how they interact with your Chakras. There are 7 main chakras otherwise known as centres of energy that move inside of us. Our chakras can become blocked or unbalanced and can create illness.

Each crystal has a different property and can benefit you in all areas of life, at home and work. The Egyptians & native Americans used crystals in their healing rituals. Many cultures like China and India use them. Crystals formed millions of years ago in the ‘womb’ of the earth by the actions of water, wind and volcanic fire. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientific studies discovered that the human mind can interact with the crystal to create effects on the body, mind and spirit.
At the workshop, we each had to choose a dowser (pendulum), drawn to by our intuition. The designs were all different but I chose the one in the picture above with the pink and blue colours. The idea is you can use your dowser to help you connect with crystals, and find the ones you identify with or are drawn to. Sometimes a certain crystal will be ‘calling’ you. You can ask your dowser to answer questions by it moving in a certain way to give a yes or no response.
All crystals give off their own vibrations just as we do as humans. When we use our intuition the right crystal will ‘call’ us. When you next see some crystals in a shop, see which one draws you in.
On the workshop, we learnt about the different chakras and practised laying crystals onto each of them. I discovered my chakras needed unblocking. It can take several sessions of crystal healing to re-balance your chakras. This will help with emotional stress, internal anger, ailments and general well being.
Some of the popular crystals to have are:-
ROSE QUARTZ (Pink) – ‘Love Vibes’

The stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. This is the most important crystal for the heart and heart chakra. It brings deep inner healing and self-love, gently drawing off negative energy and replacing with loving vibes. An excellent crystal for mid-life crises and positive thoughts. Place one by your bed or wear near to your heart or thymus as a pendant.
AMETHYST (Purple to Lavender) – ‘Calm/Protective Vibes’

This crystal encourages a quiet calm mind and clarity of thought. Good for helping to aid meditation to find deeper inner peace. It helps balance the Crown Chakra, having a high spiritual vibration. Use in situations of grief or times of loss. This crystal is lovely to wear as jewellery, especially near the heart or throat. Pop one near your bed to help promote restful sleep.
CARNELIAN (Red/Orange) – ‘High Vibes’

Stabilizing stone with high energies. It is excellent for restoring vitality, motivation and stimulating creativity. Good for healing lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression. Wear this crystal in a pendant or pop into your purse to attract abundance, courage and positive life choices.
BLACK TOURMALINE (Black) – ‘Protective Vibes’

Great for protection and grounding. It helps to absorb negative energies including ones from electrical appliances. I have one near my front door to dispel intruders or anyone not compatible with my energy field! You could wear this crystal around your neck to help strengthen your immunity system.
CLEAR QUARTZ (Clear) – ‘Healing Vibes’

This crystal is the most powerful healing and energy amplifying crystal, used for any condition. It stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance, promotes peace of mind and clarity.
CITRINE (Yellowish) – ‘Energising Vibes’

Known to bring Good Luck, abundance, helping to acquire and maintain wealth. It promotes optimism, overcomes depression, helps with self-confidence and self-expression. Use this crystal when manifesting to help amplify the intention. It is good for balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra. Wear on fingers or throat to help bring a little joy into your life.
There are so many crystals to explore and a great book to help with this is The Crystal Bible.
This was just the beginning journey of crystals for me. I have since completed my Level 2 Healing With Crystals with lorrainetricksey.com.
I am able to practise the qualities of ‘healing with crystals’ on clients and anyone who might benefit. If you find you are feeling a little out of sorts and need a little balancing, take yourself along to a little crystal healing. Place some around your home, be guided by your intuition.