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Short Stories & Poetry
Do you love writing – are you a budding Author or Poet? We would love to hear from you if you are. We are not talking professional writers but women who love to write in their spare time. Maybe as a hobby or even as an aspiring writer in the making.
I started adding this section to my blog during the lockdown. Although my mum and several of her friends are more in elderly life than midlife, apart from TV, puzzles, and reading, there is not a lot to occupy their minds. My mum always loved writing but purely as an interest, so I suggested she shared some of her previous work. Some of her friends have also joined in. Not only do they get pleasure in the writing but also the fact that other people are enjoying reading them as well.
The fun thing is, any age can join in and it gives another outlet especially for women, who at this time may not be able to mix at social groups, like sewing, keep-fit or activity groups. It may be a while yet before some are able to mix at all if they are in the vulnerable groups.
Each month on the 1st of the month I will put all names who have contributed into a draw and pick a winner for one of my lovely notebooks. This will be posted out free of charge, just to say ‘Thank You’.
It Might Just Be The Start Of A New Hobby
So please get in touch if you would love to have one of your short stories or poems included. I try and add one to the blog each week with an audio version as well for some readers who just like to listen. It can be played on your phone, on your iPad or computer. You will need to adjust your phone settings for it to play continuously on your phone.

It might just be the start of a new hobby or interest for you. Before long you might even be self-publishing on Amazon or other writing platforms!