Your Guide To Self-Care
How often do we hear or see the word self-care and wonder what that actually means?
It is easy to get into busy routines whereby by the end of the day we feel fraught, anxious, drained, and run down. We may not have the same energy levels in midlife that we once had. We took it for granted when we were younger to juggle work, family, house, and everyone else’s needs. How many times did we overlook our own?
It is now time to take care of ourselves a little more. The years go by so quickly and I’m noticing more, due to living with my parents how quickly they go. Our health is so important and where possible if we can take a little more care of it, we are better equipped to reap the benefits later on in life. Unfortunately, sometimes it is just out of our hands and we may become sick or suffer a medical condition. All the time we still have the power to take responsibility for ourselves, so much the better. It is definitely easy to go down the route of not caring.
The Self Care Workbook
There are lots of ways to practice self-care. It can be from our general diet, sleep pattern, water intake, avoiding or being aware of chemicals in everyday cleaning products, or beauty products that could affect us, reducing stress where possible, practicing meditation, exercise, being able to say ‘No’ to things you don’t want to do, to dealing with medical problems when they arise and feeling good about our body in general.
I know myself I am much more aware of what I am putting in or on my body as I get older. Choosing the right vitamins and supplements I take is important for my skin, health, and immune system.
To help you get started I’ve created this free Self Care Workbook which you can download, printout, and fill in to see if you can bring a little more self-care into your life. You can personalize it in the About Me section and a Changing My Habits section.
There are some fun Self Care Checklists for Body, Mind, Personal Environment, and Social Wellbeing. Self Care Plans and habit trackers.
There are lists of 20 Ways To Meditate and 45 Ways To Chill!.
I have even included some colouring pages, a daily reflection page, quotes, and a little self-care assessment for you to do. There are 56 pages in all but it is up to you how you use the pages. You may want to download them all or particular ones that interest you more. You can reprint as many times as you wish for your own personal use.
It is amazing how altering something simple can make a huge difference in our lives.