Library Not the smell of new books, But crisp books all the same. Row upon row of words floating on pages waiting to be read. Silence, but not silent, The sound of pages being turned by excited fingers, Exploring pages, The whispering sound of words floating in minds. Quiet breathing while eyes travel across paper, Taking in knowledge or written feelings, descriptive lines. A gentle smile or expression to what written words have touched us, inspired or brought a tear, No better place in silence to breathe in books like here. By Amanda Bartlett
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By Amanda Bartlett
'Life Partner Thoughts' And when you choose a life partner you are choosing alot of things.... Including, your eating companion for about 20,000 meals, Your travel companion for vacations, Your primary leisure time and retirement friend, Your career therapist, Someone who's day you will hear about 18,000 times, A person you have to sit, relax and be happy in silence with, Someone you are happy and proud to be in their company, Choose wisely! A person you can socialise with around friends and family, Choose wisely! We often get it wrong! By Amanda Bartlett
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Thank you Mandy for your lovely poems.
If you too would like to send in your short stories or poems to share, then please get in touch, We’d love to hear from you.
I enjoyed listening to the words written and read aloud it’s lovely to hear other people’s take on words and subjects … books being one of my favourite interests. Well done Amanda