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Has The World Gone Mad – In My Opinion?!
Another week goes by, days still muddling into one. With the change in weather and the mood of the country, it all feels rather gloomy!
The lockdown rules are being gradually lifted with shops starting to open up from next week, with the 2 meter distance still in place. Walking into B&Q this week and venturing into one of the main Supermarkets felt slightly strange. There is an air of apprehension still, some people wearing masks, the majority not. Some of those that are in positions of authority are slightly reveling in their new rule policies. The odd checkout person somehow makes you feel like a criminal just let out of prison/lockdown.
We have seen the crowded beaches and tourist hotspots overrun with disrespect and irresponsible human beings flouting the lockdown process. We have seen rioting in the cities, supposedly peaceful and fighting a genuine cause, resulting in historic statues being vandalized and removed.
Social media has been filled with angry comments, hate campaigns, ‘victims’ of race, gender & society inequality. High profile influencers have been made to feel uneasy and apologetic for not addressing the unrest in their Facebook groups, rightly or wrongly. Others questioned if they haven’t followed the herds of ‘blackout’ posts……or who dare to voice an opinion!
Where I’d Love To Be Right Now
With all this going on, I’d love to be in a little cottage in France in the middle of nowhere. Switched off from the insanities of behaviour. The anger that is taking over our country and world after the lockdown. A lockdown that initially seemed to be healing and reuniting people and communities. A time when nature was restored to its full glory and when the world fell silent.
But As That Is Not Possible
I shall continue to take day by day, hope for the good weather to return. With the new ‘Social Bubble’ being introduced a few households can now mix i.e a single person can mix with another or a grandma can mix with her daughter & grandkids and stay overnight…I think the only person I can mix with as living with my parents is a single person living alone…….so I need to find ‘him’!
Talking of which I have just updated my dating profile to eliminate looking for ‘virtual friends’ as it is now attracting the wrong sort of virtual. With young men of 34, 39 & 40 bracket range, as nice as it might be, wanting to ‘chat’ I don’t somehow think it would be about my favourite film or book!…..
Entrepreneurial Projects
My little writing sets in my Etsy Shop have proved to be rather popular in lockdown. Kids’ school lessons incorporating writing to loved ones have brought back some old fashioned trends, which is lovely to see.
I think I might start designing next year’s diaries for the KDP Amazon platform and start looking ahead if only to keep me upbeat. We are halfway through this year and I’m finding it hard not to be more optimistic for the other half.
If you need a little motivation I’ve just introduced this glamourous planner into my shop. Take a look, it is available in 3 different sizes A5, A4 or US Letter. You can purchase, download and printout instantly and reprint as many times as you want. The lovely illustrations can also be printed out and popped into your favourite frames for your bedroom/home office wall.
Not just for entrepreneurial ladies, but anyone who loves to keep focused using beautiful visuals and clearly laid out To-Do Lists. Maybe you are thinking of starting a new home business or simply kick-starting yourself after lockdown, whichever direction you may be heading, it’s a lovely planner to use. ………..if my entrepreneurial projects don’t take off soon I might even explore the world of foot fetish (oh yes, the world has indeed gone mad)!