Do you have an interesting hobby or small business?
One that you would love to share with our readers here on the blog?
Or maybe an interesting or challenging time in your life that you feel could benefit other women hearing about.
We have all been through many experiences when we reach this time of life. Reading about how other women have faced them sometimes helps us if we too have to face them. Sometimes we can live in our own little world and think we are the only one who is grieving, going through divorce/breakup, anxiety, dealing with elderly parents, or just generally lost our mojo.
Reading about what someone else is going through or has been through can guide us in the right direction. Maybe it can help us move forward with our own problem. I know I haven’t a clue about some aspects of life, no one has experienced everything.
Interesting Hobby?
I love being creative and I know many women are the same. There are many crafts that interest me and one day would love to explore more. Since giving up my cakeshop I must admit I hardly ever do any cake decorating/baking but I think partly that is because I’ve shut off that part of my life. Maybe one day I will ‘reopen’ that door! It would be great to learn about your hobbies and maybe introduce us to a new craft, a sport or activity.
Small Business?
Maybe you run a small business or are in the throws of starting up. We would love to hear about it and how you got started. There are many women later in life who decide to venture out with their own ideas and turn them into a business. Their personal circumstances may have changed or they are looking for new challenges. It can certainly help inspire other women.
Notebook Giveway
Each month I will be entering everyone’s name who has submitted an article, at any time, into a draw to win one of my lovely notebooks. Just to say ‘Thank You’ for sharing! For more details check it out here.
Watch our for the next draw on the 15th of the month over on my Facebook Page
Don’t forget to check out the Short Stories and Poems Section too – maybe you love writing and would like to have one of yours featured on the blog.