Lockdown Life – Poem By Sonya Harvey
Lockdown Life Shock Anxiety Fear of what’s to come The Silence Surrealness Of being locked at home Deep sadness Incredulity For those caught early on. Denial Realisation This is actually going on! Sanitiser Face masks Distancing stress Waiting Watching Can they sort this mess? Mistrust Turmoil Across the global news Uneasy Distressed On world leadership views Social Financial The economy in a state Survival Distraction Some more and less fortunate: Indoors Isolation Never any hugs Lonely Frightened Missing those we love Grateful Family time Furloughed - projects done The NHS The R stat - Can we keep it down? Confused Sceptical So angry and unsure Inequality Persecution Which lives DO matter more? Facebook Instagram Tik Tok scrolling through Netflix YouTube How’s Lockdown been for you? Our Doctors Our Nurses Key workers striving through So at risk So vulnerable For the sake of me and you The Carers The Teachers Volunteers standing in line Applauding Recognising Their commitment at this time The blessed The suffering Still strive to carry on Keep hope for The future Once 2020’s gone Our world The change Is now new history Let’s learn And grow From this reality
Thank You Sonya
For a really powerful poem about our lives, these past months in lockdown and how each of us has been affected. Certainly history in the making and with still an unknown future ahead. A time of reflection, reassessment, and adjustment.

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