Learning to Retrain My Thoughts
Last week I was inspired to attend a Workshop with the wonderful Sue Stone. She is an Empowerment, Happiness and Lifestyle Coach, Business Mentor, and Motivational Speaker. Sue specializes in teaching techniques and ideas for living in the ‘now’. Using the power of our own thoughts to manifest happiness and success. How to be present in our thoughts to get rid of negativity and create more abundance in all areas of our lives. Positive Life – Happy life!

I first came across Sue, either the end of last year or the beginning of this year. My Mum had been to a Parkinsons meeting where one of her team from the Sue Stone Foundation was doing a talk. Mum brought home a leaflet that I naturally googled, as I’m interested in anything which might inspire or motivate me.
Sue Stone Books
This led me to order a copy of her book Live Life, Love Life, and also her CD to play in my car. It’s fascinating how Sue has created an abundant life after a sudden ‘financial & personal crash’. Hitting as in her words ‘rock bottom’. Using techniques that she had researched and investigated, she has used these tools in hers and subsequently, many other lives to refind happiness, success, and positivity.
I remember reading her book and continually playing her CD in my car trying to focus myself on her teachings. I also saw she did several workshops and 1:1’s on her website and although I remember wishing I could attend one of these it just wasn’t feasible at that time.
Over The Months
Up until then although I was still running these ideas in my head I wasn’t really practising any of them. It still seemed too far removed from my limiting beliefs. I had come across the power of visualisation and read many other books on creating the life you desired on numerous occasions. I had even practised it on certain occasions. When your life suddenly changes and you find yourself spiralling into negativity and anxiety, (which is when those beliefs need to be practised) it is hard to accept that there is a greater power/Universe or whatever term you might want to give it.
However, by chance towards the end of summer this year, as I was sat in a traffic queue, I saw Sue drive by in her open-top sports car. I had read that she did live in the Bournemouth area. I remember thinking then that I really wanted to meet her!
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago as I was trolling through Facebook, as you do, a feed popped up of Sue Stone’s 2-day workshop, which was held locally. My head told me I couldn’t really afford it. But by chance, I had come into a little bit of money, enough to cover this! (Ask & you shall receive – had I manifested that!).
2 Day Workshop
And so I went along to this workshop at the end of last week, which was held locally in her lovely private home. A home full of feminine power, with lots of pink and crystals.
On first meeting Sue, she has really vibrant energy which seems to emulate from her whole being. There were three other ladies attending, each with their own story to tell as to what had prompted them to also attend.
It was a very engaging two days, covering mindfulness techniques, affirmations, and various tools to use like EFT (Tapping), Breathing Exercises, and Positive Mantras to say out loud. The ethos of the workshop is to live in the ‘Now’ and to let go of negative talk and thoughts. To create abundance in all areas of our lives.
I shall continue to follow Sues teachings and implement them into my life. Even if it is initially little steps to a happier positive life. If you feel you could do with a little uplift in your life, check out her website and books. I’ve just started reading her second book ‘The Power Within You Now‘ and I have my written ‘statement to myself’ which we wrote at the workshop. This I need to read out loud every morning, every day to open me up to a new mindset. It is up to me to do the work on myself but having a few tools certainly helps along the way.

Adding to my ‘Tool Box’ in my quest to a ‘Happier Me’